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CSM Toscana supports companies in the innovation process on product, process, market and skills


CSM President
Riccardo CECCONI

CSM was founded in 1982 in Poggibonsi (Siena) with the aim of providing companies in the furniture sector with support in terms of research / innovation, promotion / internationalization and professional training.

C.S.M. it is administered by a council with representatives of both the public and private sectors, representatives of trade associations, municipalities, provinces, on the one hand, and industrial and artisan companies, on the other.

Irene Burroni
CSM Director

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CSM works to promote the interiors and living environments sector and support companies in penetrating new international markets, implementing a series of activities that include:

  • market intelligence activities (analysis of potentially interesting markets, trends’ analysis, research of potential partners, buyers, operators …),
  • the organization of missions abroad, thematic workshops, b2b meetings and incoming of operators with visits to companies,
  • the definition of market approach strategies for groups of non-competitors: participation in trade fairs, opening of representative office, showroom, temporary shops / Concept shops, joint ventures with local partners…
  • identification of funding and support tools in the submission and management of internationalization projects

Since its foundation, CSM has made of INNOVATION one of its main objectives, developing a progressive ability to build strategies and projects for the interiors/living environments sector conceived in the region of Tuscany as a complex of production sectors going from furniture, accessories (home & contract), RVs’ interiors and shipyard interiors.

CSM offers advanced and qualified services to companies in relation to strategic aspects for their competitiveness and acts as a mediator in the process of technology transfer between the production system and universities/research centres.

Thanks to an extended network of skills structured and made up of regional and national research organizations – Universities of Florence, Pisa and Siena, S.Anna, CNR, INSTM Consortium, Milan Politecnico, Turin Politecnico, Sapienza Rome, … – CSM offers services on product, process and market innovation.

It carries out support activities for companies and the production area ranging from the identification of potential scenarios and innovation topics, to the definition of projects for innovation and R&D, from the creation of industrial and scientific partnerships to the identification of funding tools, from drafting of the project to coordination of technical-administrative activities.

The Training sector is a strategic area in the activities and functions that are carried out by the CSM both to support and enhance the wealth of entrepreneurial, managerial, specialist and technical skills that represent the wealth of the interiors sector, and as a tool to accompany innovation projects and technological transfer processes of single companies and the entire regional production system.

CSM deals with:

  • Strategy projects for the definition of new pathways and curricula for the sector, often carried on in partnership with European clusters specialised in the sector funded under EU calls
  • Management of technical and professional training courses funded by Regional Calls with ESF funds
  • Structuring of paid training courses on innovation topics

CSM is an ISO 9001 certified training agency CERTIFICATE N. 779 and ACCREDITED TUSCANY REGION pursuant to DGRT 1407 / 2016– with accreditation code n. OF0168

CSM has been operating since 2000 for building European level projects both for companies, single or in groups, and for intermediary organisations (clusters, trade associations, consortia …), activating its expertise for the following activities:

  • Identification of the most suitable funding tool (call)
  • Thematic scenario definition
  • Building international partnerships
  • Definition of project proposals

CSM also participates, directly or through the dID cluster, in European calls for the development of training, innovation and internationalization projects.


Completed projects


Companies involved


Funding obtained


  • TWIN CRAFT: Digital craftsman with green and soft skills

    The training course aims to redefine the skills of the figure of the future artisan through the necessary integration of. TECHNOLOGICAL, DIGITAL and ENTREPRENEURIAL skills and aims to train digital craftsmen figures able to reconcile traditional technological knowledge with other innovative ones specific to the Enterprise 5.0 scenario. The course has a total duration of

  • 18 Sep

    As part of SPEED INNOVATION on 10 October at the Design Campus in Calenzano FI, there will be a day of meetings that aims to provide ideas for manufacturing companies (Made in Italy, with particular attention to the interior design sector) to address future economic and social challenges, including through the exploration of tools, opportunities

  • 23 Aug

    The week of visits to China by the Italian delegation, led by CSM-DID, which took place from 21 July to 27 July, has concluded. The STUDY VISIT CHINA initiative aimed to establish relations with the Chinese market, through visits to design and architecture studios with the support of the College of Art and Design of

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